Rastafarian Rules of Life and Lifestyle

Chapter 1: Introduction to Rastafari

Origins and History:

The Rastafari movement emerged in Jamaica during the 1930s, blending influences from Ethiopianism and Pan-Africanism. This was a time of great social and political change in Jamaica, as the nation grappled with the impact of colonialism and the quest for independence. Rastafari takes its name from Ras Tafari Makonnen, who later became Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia. The movement is deeply inspired by Marcus Garvey’s teachings of black pride and the call for a return to Africa.

Garvey’s prophecy about a black king’s rise to lead and liberate African people found resonance among Jamaicans when Haile Selassie I was crowned Emperor in 1930. This event marked the beginning of Rastafari as a distinct spiritual and cultural movement.

Key Figures:

  • Haile Selassie I: Revered as a divine figure, Haile Selassie I is central to Rastafarian beliefs. He is considered the reincarnation of God (Jah) and his leadership is seen as a fulfilment of prophecy. His actions on the world stage, particularly his defense of Ethiopia against Italian aggression, have further solidified his legendary status.
  • Leonard Howell: A key founding figure, Leonard Howell established the Pinnacle Commune, a self-sustaining community that served as a centre for Rastafarian practices and lifestyle. Howell’s teachings and leadership played a crucial role in shaping the early movement.
  • Marcus Garvey: While not a Rastafarian himself, Garvey’s influence on the movement is undeniable. His calls for African pride and unity laid the ideological foundation upon which Rastafari was built.


Chapter 2: Beliefs and Philosophy

Core Beliefs:

Rastafari is grounded in the belief that Haile Selassie I is the divine incarnation of God (Jah) on earth. This faith extends to the recognition of African roots and the desire to return to the African continent, specifically Ethiopia, which is considered a spiritual homeland.

The Rastafarian philosophy revolves around living in harmony with nature and rejecting Western materialism, often referred to as “Babylon.” They seek freedom from oppression and strive to live authentically, embracing natural living and self-sufficiency.

Spiritual Practices:

  • Meditation: Rastafarians meditate to connect with Jah, seek inner peace, and gain clarity on their spiritual journey.
  • Reasoning: Reasoning sessions are group discussions that allow participants to share and reflect on their beliefs, insights, and experiences. These gatherings promote a collective understanding and reinforce community bonds.
  • Prayer: Rastafarians pray to Jah, expressing gratitude and seeking guidance. Prayer is often intertwined with meditation and reasoning sessions.

Chapter 3: Symbols and Iconography

Key Symbols:

  • Colors: The colors red, green, and gold hold significant meaning in Rastafari. Red represents the blood of martyrs, green symbolizes the fertility of the land and nature, and gold stands for the wealth and richness of the earth.
  • Lion of Judah: A symbol of strength, courage, and royalty, the Lion of Judah represents Haile Selassie I and is a powerful emblem within the movement.
  • Ethiopian Flag: The flag of Ethiopia is revered by Rastafarians as a representation of their spiritual homeland and a symbol of African heritage.

Dreadlocks and Style:

  • Dreadlocks: Dreadlocks are a manifestation of the Rastafari belief in natural living. They symbolize a rejection of conventional beauty standards and a commitment to the faith.
  • Traditional Attire: Rastafarians often wear clothing in red, green, and gold colors, emphasizing natural fabrics and styles that reflect African heritage. These choices further symbolize their connection to the movement’s core beliefs.

Chapter 4: Reggae and Music

Connection to Music:

Reggae music serves as the voice of Rastafari, spreading its beliefs and values worldwide. Pioneers like Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, and Burning Spear have used reggae as a platform to advocate for social justice, equality, and peace.

Music as a Spiritual Outlet:

Reggae is not just music; it’s a spiritual experience. Lyrics often reference Rastafarian beliefs and struggles, making the genre a powerful means of worship and expression of faith. Reggae’s distinctive rhythms and sounds evoke a sense of connection with Jah and the Rastafari philosophy.

Chapter 5: Ital Lifestyle

Ital Diet:

The Ital diet embodies the Rastafari commitment to natural living and purity. It is primarily plant-based and excludes processed foods, chemicals, and artificial additives. This dietary choice is seen as a way to honor Jah’s creation and promote physical and spiritual health.

Health and Wellness:

Rastafari embraces a holistic approach to health, incorporating practices such as meditation, herbal medicine, and balanced diets. This approach emphasizes harmony between body, mind, and spirit, promoting overall well-being.

Chapter 6: Community and Social Values

Unity and Community:

Rastafari emphasizes a strong sense of community and collective consciousness. Mutual support and cooperation are key values that strengthen the movement and help members navigate life’s challenges.

Social Justice and Activism:

Rastafarians have been active advocates for social justice, human rights, and equality. They seek to address issues such as racism, poverty, and oppression both locally and globally, often using music and cultural expressions to raise awareness and inspire change.

Chapter 7: Connection to Africa

Repatriation and Ancestry:

Rastafarians dream of returning to Africa, particularly Ethiopia, as part of their spiritual journey. This desire is rooted in their recognition of African ancestry and a longing to reconnect with their heritage and roots.

Cultural Heritage:

Rastafari celebrates Ethiopian culture and history, honoring its traditions, language, and spiritual legacy. This connection forms an integral part of the movement’s identity and serves as a source of pride and inspiration.

Chapter 8: Rituals and Practices

Grounations and Nyabinghi:

  • Grounations: Grounations are communal gatherings where Rastafarians come together for prayer, chanting, drumming, and reasoning. These events strengthen community ties and provide a space for spiritual reflection.
  • Nyabinghi: Nyabinghi is a form of traditional drumming and chanting that plays a central role in Rastafarian worship. It is a powerful expression of spirituality and resistance against oppression.

Herbal Use:

Herbal use, particularly cannabis, is part of Rastafari culture and serves both spiritual and medicinal purposes. Rastafarians use herbs responsibly and with respect for their cultural and spiritual significance.

Chapter 9: Modern Challenges and Adaptations

Contemporary Rastafari:

The Rastafari movement has evolved over time, adapting to contemporary challenges while staying true to its core beliefs. Modern Rastafarians face new issues such as globalization and changing social dynamics.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Rastafarians encounter challenges such as discrimination and misunderstandings about their lifestyle and beliefs. However, there are also opportunities for growth, particularly in spreading Rastafari culture and values through music, activism, and cultural exchange.

Chapter 10: The Future of Rastafari

Preserving the Tradition:

Preserving Rastafari’s beliefs and culture is essential for the movement’s sustainability. Efforts are ongoing to ensure that future generations understand and continue the legacy of Rastafari.

Global Impact:

Rastafari’s global influence is evident in its reach across continents. Through music, culture, and activism, the movement continues to inspire individuals around the world to embrace its philosophy of unity, love, and respect.


What is a Rasta?

A Rasta, short for Rastafarian, is an individual who follows the Rastafari movement, a spiritual and cultural movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s. Rastas believe in the divinity of Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, and seek a deep connection to Africa as their spiritual homeland. They embrace a natural lifestyle, often characterized by dreadlocks, a plant-based diet, and resistance to Western materialism.

What is a Rastafarian Religion?

Rastafarianism is a religious and spiritual movement that emphasizes the belief in Haile Selassie I as the divine incarnation of God (Jah). It incorporates elements of Christianity, Ethiopianism, and African spirituality. The religion focuses on meditation, prayer, and reasoning sessions to connect with Jah and seek spiritual growth.

What is the Rastafarian Movement?

The Rastafarian movement is a spiritual, cultural, and social movement that emerged in Jamaica in the 1930s. It is rooted in the teachings of Marcus Garvey and the belief in the divinity of Haile Selassie I. The movement promotes African heritage, unity, and a natural way of life. Rastafari’s impact extends globally, influencing music, culture, and social justice.

Rastafarian Beliefs

Rastafarian beliefs centre around the divinity of Haile Selassie I, the importance of Africa (especially Ethiopia) as a spiritual homeland, and the pursuit of unity and equality. Rastafarians value a natural way of life, including a plant-based diet, meditation, and respect for nature.

If you’re intrigued by Rastafarian beliefs, consider reading books or watching documentaries on the movement to gain a more nuanced understanding of its principles.
